As a Maui native, I am obsessed with everything tropical! My love for the jungle life (and Tarzan) is what has influenced my design and photography style. Growing up, my hero's were the likes of Indiana Jones, Cleopatra, and Queen Amidala (yes, I am a nerd), all of which have inspired my fashion taste and wanderlust.
With a heart for adventure, travel is my ultimate passion! Having traveled across the globe, living in different terrains, I have seen and experienced a wide variety of culture and lifestyle. My little adventures, my faith, family and friends have all molded and created my lifestyle .
"For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen." Romans 11:36
"I've got clouds on a sunshiny day"
Some are inspired by warm and sunny days, but I thrive and am inspired most when it rains! Sometimes I think I was made for the simple and quiet life. Give me a cottage in England and I would be quite content to spend my days ambling around the countryside, reading a good book fireside, and sipping on coffee, lots and lots of coffee…
Fortunately for me however, I have a very adventurous sidekick (aka my sister) that insists on traveling the world, and well, it'd be rude of me to let her travel alone! ;) Our adventures have fueled my passion to create and have inspired me tremendously.
I most love the simple and delicate and believe beauty is everywhere. Follow my inspirations @simply.dot